Apache Request: a framework independent request abstraction. Implementations for Servlet, Portlet, JSP, Velocity, FreeMarker and Mustache.
Apache Autotag: a tool that automatically generates tags (or tag-like) artifact from a common template code for a range of templating languages. All the Tiles 3 boilerplate code to templating models has been removed and uses the Autotag plugins instead: it's a lot of boilerplate, boring code, now generated automatically.
Deprecations in Tiles 3.0
Starting Tiles in a web environment using a dummy Servlet. Use a SerlvetContextListener instead.
Don't use the AttributeContext interface to pass attribute values to Tiles. Expression Languages are an easier, more maintainable way to change the value of attributes on a per-render basis.
Removals in Tiles 3.0
Upgraded from JavaSE 5.0 to JavaSE 6.0.
Upgraded from Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 to Servlet 2.5 and JSP 2.1.
Changed the Java API to adopt the Request API. The XML files and taglibs are compatible with tiles 2.2.
Dropped the parameter based configuration that was deprecated in 2.2.