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Uses of Package org.apache.tiles.evaluator (Tiles 2 2.2.2 API)

Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.tiles.evaluator
org.apache.tiles.el Attribute evaluator classes that can perform EL evaluation for attributes. 
org.apache.tiles.evaluator Interfaces to manage attribute value evaluation. 
org.apache.tiles.evaluator.impl Classes to manage attribute value evaluation. 
org.apache.tiles.extras.complete These classes allow to start up Tiles with all features on. 
org.apache.tiles.factory Factory classes, to allow creation of container instances. 
org.apache.tiles.freemarker.renderer FreeMarker-typed attributes can be rendered by using classes in this package. 
org.apache.tiles.impl It contains the basic implementations of Tiles container. 
org.apache.tiles.impl.mgmt It contains the basic implementations of mutable Tiles containers. 
org.apache.tiles.mvel Attribute evaluator classes that can perform MVEL evaluation for attributes. 
org.apache.tiles.ognl Attribute evaluator classes that can perform OGNL evaluation for attributes. 
org.apache.tiles.renderer.impl Default implementations to manage attribute rendering. 
org.apache.tiles.velocity.renderer Velocity-typed attributes can be rendered by using classes in this package. 

Classes in org.apache.tiles.evaluator used by org.apache.tiles.el
          Abstract class to link a correct evaluation of an attribute, by evaluating Attribute.getValue() and then Attribute.getExpressionObject().
          It represents an object that resolves a string to return an object.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.evaluator used by org.apache.tiles.evaluator
          It represents an object that resolves a string to return an object.
          Creates an attribute evaluator using the language or an attribute.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.evaluator used by org.apache.tiles.evaluator.impl
          Abstract class to link a correct evaluation of an attribute, by evaluating Attribute.getValue() and then Attribute.getExpressionObject().
          It represents an object that resolves a string to return an object.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.evaluator used by org.apache.tiles.extras.complete
          Creates an attribute evaluator using the language or an attribute.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.evaluator used by org.apache.tiles.factory
          It represents an object that resolves a string to return an object.
          Creates an attribute evaluator using the language or an attribute.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.evaluator used by org.apache.tiles.freemarker.renderer
          It represents an object that can use an AttributeEvaluatorFactory.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.evaluator used by org.apache.tiles.impl
          Creates an attribute evaluator using the language or an attribute.
          It represents an object that can use an AttributeEvaluatorFactory.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.evaluator used by org.apache.tiles.impl.mgmt
          It represents an object that can use an AttributeEvaluatorFactory.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.evaluator used by org.apache.tiles.mvel
          Abstract class to link a correct evaluation of an attribute, by evaluating Attribute.getValue() and then Attribute.getExpressionObject().
          It represents an object that resolves a string to return an object.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.evaluator used by org.apache.tiles.ognl
          Abstract class to link a correct evaluation of an attribute, by evaluating Attribute.getValue() and then Attribute.getExpressionObject().
          It represents an object that resolves a string to return an object.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.evaluator used by org.apache.tiles.renderer.impl
          Creates an attribute evaluator using the language or an attribute.
          It represents an object that can use an AttributeEvaluatorFactory.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.evaluator used by org.apache.tiles.velocity.renderer
          It represents an object that can use an AttributeEvaluatorFactory.

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