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org.apache.tiles.extras.complete (Tiles 2 2.2.2 API)

Package org.apache.tiles.extras.complete

Package class diagram package org.apache.tiles.extras.complete
These classes allow to start up Tiles with all features on.


Class Summary
CompleteAutoloadTilesContainerFactory Tiles container factory that: create supporting objects for Velocity and FreeMarker; create renderers for Velocity and FreeMarker templates; allows using EL, MVEL and OGNL as attribute expressions; allows using Wildcards and Regular Expressions in definition names; loads Tiles 1.x definition files; loads all the definition files that have the "tiles*.xml" pattern under /WEB-INF directory (and subdirectories) and under META-INF directories (and subdirectories) in every jar.
CompleteAutoloadTilesInitializer This initializer uses WildcardServletTilesApplicationContext to retrieve resources using Ant-style patterns and creates a CompleteAutoloadTilesContainerFactory to load all new features of Tiles at once.
CompleteAutoloadTilesListener Tiles listener that executes CompleteAutoloadTilesInitializer.

Package org.apache.tiles.extras.complete Description

These classes allow to start up Tiles with all features on.

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