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Apache Tiles - Framework - Integration with Apache Velocity

Integration with Apache Velocity

Apache Velocity is a templating framework that can be used as a replacement for JavaServer Pages (JSP). Tiles can be used with Velocity through the use of Tiles Velocity package.


To use Velocity together with Tiles

  • Add Velocity (1.7 or better) and Velocity Tools (2.0 or better) jars to your application.
  • Add tiles-template-x.x.x.jar and tiles-velocity-x.x.x.jar files to your application. * Add this code in you file:
  • To access ".vm" files from HTTP requests, add this piece of configuration in web.xml (the parameters can be modified as needed).
  • To access ".vm" files as attributes, register VelocityAttributeRenderer (only available in a servlet environment), by overriding the registerAttributeRenderers method in the AbstractTilesContainerFactory implementation being used, like:
    protected void registerAttributeRenderers(
            BasicRendererFactory rendererFactory, TilesApplicationContext applicationContext,
            TilesRequestContextFactory contextFactory,
            TilesContainer container, AttributeEvaluator evaluator) {
        super.registerAttributeRenderers(rendererFactory, applicationContext, contextFactory,
                container, evaluator);
        VelocityAttributeRenderer velocityRenderer = new VelocityAttributeRenderer();
        velocityRenderer.setParameter("org.apache.velocity.toolbox", "/WEB-INF/tools.xml");
        velocityRenderer.setParameter("", "/WEB-INF/");
        rendererFactory.registerRenderer("velocity", velocityRenderer);

    This way you can specify an attribute that is rendered directly using this syntax:

    <put-attribute name="myAttribute" value="/pages/myPage.vm" type="velocity" />

Usage in Velocity templates

There are two ways to use Tiles-Velocity integration:

  • the tiles tool, that is a Velocity-style tool:
    $set($templateAttribute = $tilesAlt.createTemplateAttribute("/page/myTemplate.vm"))
    $set($attributeContext = $tilesAlt.getAttributeContext())
      $set($attribute = $tilesAlt.createAttribute())
      $attribute.setValue("This is the title.")
      $attributeContext.putAttribute("title", $attribute})
      $set($attribute = $tilesAlt.createAttribute())
      $attributeContext.putAttribute("header", $attribute})
      $set($attribute = $tilesAlt.createAttribute())
      $attributeContext.putAttribute("body", $attribute})
  • the tiles directives, that have a tag-like meaning.
      #tiles_putAttribute({"name":"title", "value":"This is the title."})#end
      #tiles_putAttribute({"name":"header", "value":"/velocity/header.vm", "type":"velocity"})#end
      #tiles_putAttribute({"name":"body", "value":"/velocity/body.vm", "type":"velocity"})#end

    Other tiles directives are:

    • getAsString(String attributeName) - get the value of named attribute as string.
    • importAttribute(String attributeName, String toName) - import the named attribute into the scope of template context under the (optional) custom name.
    • insertAttribute(String attributeName) - inserts given attribute in the output in its own context. If this is a string a string is printed, if this is a definition - it is included in the output.
    • insertAttribute(String attributeName, boolean ownContext) - inserts given attribute in the output. If this is a string a string is printed, if this is a definition - it is included in the output. You can specify whether a separate context is created for rendering the definition - in this case variables with duplicate names will not be inherited from the parent definition
    • insertDefinition(String definitionName) - renders a definition in its own context.
    • insertDefinition(String definitionName, boolean ownContext) - inserts definition, optionally in the shared context.
    • insertTemplate(String template) - inserts a named page, equivalent to Velocity's #parse.

    For details about the tool and directives see the Javadocs.