For all the next instructions, we assume that you downloaded and installed Maven.
To download packages from the source repository, you need to download and install Subversion.
If you want to build something including JavaDocs (assemblies, sites and JavaDoc report itself) you need to install GraphViz, otherwise you will notice missing pictures inside JavaDocs pages.
To build Tiles 2 from source you need to:
svn co
mvn package
You will find the generated JARs under:
To build Tiles Showcase from source you need to:
svn co
mvn package
You will find the generated JARs under
You can also see the showcase in action by using the Cargo plugin:
mvn package cargo:start
mvn package cargo:start -Dcargo.tomcat5x.home=/path/to/tomcat5
To build distributions, you need to:
svn co
mvn install site
directory and
type:mvn assembly:assembly
You will find the generated distribution under
There are two Tiles websites: the main website and the framework website.
To build the main website:
svn co
mvn site
You will find the generated distribution under
To build the framework website:
svn co
mvn site
You will find the generated websites under: