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Uses of Class org.apache.tiles.ArrayStack (Tiles 2 2.2.2 API)

Uses of Class

Packages that use ArrayStack
org.apache.tiles.freemarker.context Context classes to make FreeMarker work with Tiles. 
org.apache.tiles.impl It contains the basic implementations of Tiles container. 
org.apache.tiles.jsp.context Tiles context classes in a JSP environment. 
org.apache.tiles.portlet.context Classes and interfaces that allow to access the various contexts from a portlet application. 
org.apache.tiles.servlet.context Classes and interfaces that allow to access the various contexts from a servlet application. 
org.apache.tiles.template Tiles template classes, that enable to write support code for template languages (JSP, FreeMarker, Velocity). 
org.apache.tiles.velocity.context Context classes to make Velocity work with Tiles. 

Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.freemarker.context

Methods in org.apache.tiles.freemarker.context that return ArrayStack
static ArrayStack<Object> FreeMarkerUtil.getComposeStack(freemarker.core.Environment env)
          Returns the current compose stack, or creates a new one if not present.

Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.impl

Methods in org.apache.tiles.impl that return ArrayStack
protected  ArrayStack<AttributeContext> BasicTilesContainer.getContextStack(TilesRequestContext tilesContext)
          Returns the context stack.

Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.jsp.context

Methods in org.apache.tiles.jsp.context that return ArrayStack
static ArrayStack<Object> JspUtil.getComposeStack(JspContext context)
          Returns the compose stack, that is used by the tags to compose definitions, attributes, etc.

Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.portlet.context

Methods in org.apache.tiles.portlet.context that return ArrayStack
static ArrayStack<Object> PortletUtil.getComposeStack(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request)
          Returns the compose stack, that is used by the tags to compose definitions, attributes, etc.

Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.servlet.context

Methods in org.apache.tiles.servlet.context that return ArrayStack
static ArrayStack<Object> ServletUtil.getComposeStack(HttpServletRequest request)
          Returns the compose stack, that is used by the tags to compose definitions, attributes, etc.

Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.template

Methods in org.apache.tiles.template with parameters of type ArrayStack
 void AddListAttributeModel.end(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack)
          Ends the operation.
 void AddAttributeModel.end(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, Object value, String expression, String body, String role, String type)
          Ends the operation.
 void InsertAttributeModel.end(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, TilesContainer container, boolean ignore, Object... requestItems)
          Ends the operation.
 void GetAsStringModel.end(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, TilesContainer container, Writer writer, boolean ignore, Object... requestItems)
          Ends the operation.
 void DefinitionModel.end(MutableTilesContainer container, ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, Object... requestItems)
          Ends the operation.
 void PutListAttributeModel.end(TilesContainer container, ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, String name, boolean cascade, Object... requestItems)
          Ends the operation.
 void PutAttributeModel.end(TilesContainer container, ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, String name, Object value, String expression, String body, String role, String type, boolean cascade, Object... requestItems)
          Ends the operation.
 void AddAttributeModel.execute(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, Object value, String expression, String body, String role, String type)
          Executes the operation.
 void DefinitionModel.execute(MutableTilesContainer container, ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, String name, String template, String role, String extendsParam, String preparer, Object... requestItems)
          Executes the operation.
 void PutAttributeModel.execute(TilesContainer container, ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, String name, Object value, String expression, String body, String role, String type, boolean cascade, Object... requestItems)
          Executes the operation.
static Object ComposeStackUtil.findAncestorWithClass(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, Class<?> clazz)
          Finds the first ancestor in the stack, that is assignable to the given class.
 void AddAttributeModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack)
          Starts the operation..
 void PutAttributeModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack)
          Starts the operation.
 void AddListAttributeModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, String role)
          Starts the operation.
 void PutListAttributeModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, String role, boolean inherit)
          Starts the operation.
 void DefinitionModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, String name, String template, String role, String extendsParam, String preparer)
          Starts the operation.
 void GetAsStringModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, TilesContainer container, boolean ignore, String preparer, String role, Object defaultValue, String defaultValueRole, String defaultValueType, String name, Attribute value, Object... requestItems)
          Starts the operation.
 void InsertAttributeModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack, TilesContainer container, boolean ignore, String preparer, String role, Object defaultValue, String defaultValueRole, String defaultValueType, String name, Attribute value, Object... requestItems)
          Starts the operation.

Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.velocity.context

Methods in org.apache.tiles.velocity.context that return ArrayStack
static ArrayStack<Map<String,Object>> VelocityUtil.getParameterStack(org.apache.velocity.context.Context context)
          Deprecated. Use Velocity directives.

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