Packages that use ArrayStack | |
org.apache.tiles.freemarker.context | Context classes to make FreeMarker work with Tiles. |
org.apache.tiles.impl | It contains the basic implementations of Tiles container. |
org.apache.tiles.jsp.context | Tiles context classes in a JSP environment. |
org.apache.tiles.portlet.context | Classes and interfaces that allow to access the various contexts from a portlet application. |
org.apache.tiles.servlet.context | Classes and interfaces that allow to access the various contexts from a servlet application. |
org.apache.tiles.template | Tiles template classes, that enable to write support code for template languages (JSP, FreeMarker, Velocity). |
org.apache.tiles.velocity.context | Context classes to make Velocity work with Tiles. |
Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.freemarker.context |
Methods in org.apache.tiles.freemarker.context that return ArrayStack | |
static ArrayStack<Object> |
FreeMarkerUtil.getComposeStack(freemarker.core.Environment env)
Returns the current compose stack, or creates a new one if not present. |
Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.impl |
Methods in org.apache.tiles.impl that return ArrayStack | |
protected ArrayStack<AttributeContext> |
BasicTilesContainer.getContextStack(TilesRequestContext tilesContext)
Returns the context stack. |
Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.jsp.context |
Methods in org.apache.tiles.jsp.context that return ArrayStack | |
static ArrayStack<Object> |
JspUtil.getComposeStack(JspContext context)
Returns the compose stack, that is used by the tags to compose definitions, attributes, etc. |
Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.portlet.context |
Methods in org.apache.tiles.portlet.context that return ArrayStack | |
static ArrayStack<Object> |
PortletUtil.getComposeStack(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request)
Returns the compose stack, that is used by the tags to compose definitions, attributes, etc. |
Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.servlet.context |
Methods in org.apache.tiles.servlet.context that return ArrayStack | |
static ArrayStack<Object> |
ServletUtil.getComposeStack(HttpServletRequest request)
Returns the compose stack, that is used by the tags to compose definitions, attributes, etc. |
Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.template |
Methods in org.apache.tiles.template with parameters of type ArrayStack | |
void |
AddListAttributeModel.end(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack)
Ends the operation. |
void |
AddAttributeModel.end(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
Object value,
String expression,
String body,
String role,
String type)
Ends the operation. |
void |
InsertAttributeModel.end(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
TilesContainer container,
boolean ignore,
Object... requestItems)
Ends the operation. |
void |
GetAsStringModel.end(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
TilesContainer container,
Writer writer,
boolean ignore,
Object... requestItems)
Ends the operation. |
void |
DefinitionModel.end(MutableTilesContainer container,
ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
Object... requestItems)
Ends the operation. |
void |
PutListAttributeModel.end(TilesContainer container,
ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
String name,
boolean cascade,
Object... requestItems)
Ends the operation. |
void |
PutAttributeModel.end(TilesContainer container,
ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
String name,
Object value,
String expression,
String body,
String role,
String type,
boolean cascade,
Object... requestItems)
Ends the operation. |
void |
AddAttributeModel.execute(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
Object value,
String expression,
String body,
String role,
String type)
Executes the operation. |
void |
DefinitionModel.execute(MutableTilesContainer container,
ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
String name,
String template,
String role,
String extendsParam,
String preparer,
Object... requestItems)
Executes the operation. |
void |
PutAttributeModel.execute(TilesContainer container,
ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
String name,
Object value,
String expression,
String body,
String role,
String type,
boolean cascade,
Object... requestItems)
Executes the operation. |
static Object |
ComposeStackUtil.findAncestorWithClass(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
Class<?> clazz)
Finds the first ancestor in the stack, that is assignable to the given class. |
void |
AddAttributeModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack)
Starts the operation.. |
void |
PutAttributeModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack)
Starts the operation. |
void |
AddListAttributeModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
String role)
Starts the operation. |
void |
PutListAttributeModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
String role,
boolean inherit)
Starts the operation. |
void |
DefinitionModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
String name,
String template,
String role,
String extendsParam,
String preparer)
Starts the operation. |
void |
GetAsStringModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
TilesContainer container,
boolean ignore,
String preparer,
String role,
Object defaultValue,
String defaultValueRole,
String defaultValueType,
String name,
Attribute value,
Object... requestItems)
Starts the operation. |
void |
InsertAttributeModel.start(ArrayStack<Object> composeStack,
TilesContainer container,
boolean ignore,
String preparer,
String role,
Object defaultValue,
String defaultValueRole,
String defaultValueType,
String name,
Attribute value,
Object... requestItems)
Starts the operation. |
Uses of ArrayStack in org.apache.tiles.velocity.context |
Methods in org.apache.tiles.velocity.context that return ArrayStack | |
static ArrayStack<Map<String,Object>> |
VelocityUtil.getParameterStack(org.apache.velocity.context.Context context)
Deprecated. Use Velocity directives. |