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Uses of Class org.apache.tiles.TilesException (Tiles 2 2.1.4 API)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TilesException
org.apache.tiles.access Utility classes to access Tiles funcionality from an application. 
org.apache.tiles.definition It contains classes and interfaces to allow manipulations of "definitions", i.e. objects made of a template page and a number of filled attributes. 
org.apache.tiles.definition.digester Allows reading definitions with the use of Jakarta Commons Digester. 
org.apache.tiles.factory Factory classes, to allow creation of container instances. 
org.apache.tiles.impl It contains the basic implementations of Tiles container. 
org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib The "tiles-jsp" tag library contains tags that are useful to create templates, subpages other reusable view parts using the "tiles-core" package. 
org.apache.tiles.portlet.context Classes and interfaces that allow to access the various contexts from a portlet application. 
org.apache.tiles.preparer "View preparers" are objects that allows the "preparation" of a Tiles artifact (definition, template or attribute) before it is rendered. 
org.apache.tiles.reflect Classes to manage reflection in a centralized way for Tiles. 
org.apache.tiles.renderer Interfaces to manage attribute rendering. 

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.access

Subclasses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.access
 class TilesAccessException
          Indicates that something went wrong in TilesAccess use.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.definition

Subclasses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.definition
 class DefinitionsFactoryException
          Exception thrown when an error occurs while the impl tries to create a new instance mapper.
 class FactoryNotFoundException
          Exception thrown when definitions impl is not found.
 class NoSuchDefinitionException
          Exception thrown when a definition is not found.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.definition.digester

Subclasses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.definition.digester
 class DigesterDefinitionsReaderException
          Indicates that something went wrong during the use of DigesterDefinitionsReader.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.factory

Subclasses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.factory
 class NotAvailableFeatureException
          Exception that indicates that a feature could not be used since it is not available.
 class TilesContainerFactoryException
          Indicates that something went wrong in TilesContainerFactory use.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.impl

Subclasses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.impl
 class CannotRenderException
          Indicates that something went wrong during the rendering process.
 class InvalidTemplateException
          An invalid template has been identified.
 class NoSuchContainerException
          Indicates that a keyed container has not been found.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib

Subclasses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib
 class NoSuchAttributeException
          Indicates that a named attribute has not been found.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.portlet.context

Subclasses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.portlet.context
 class NotAPortletEnvironmentException
          Exception that indicates that a resource could not be used because it is not in a portlet environment.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.preparer

Subclasses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.preparer
 class NoSuchPreparerException
          Thrown when the named preparerInstance can not be found.
 class PreparerException
           Thrown when an exception occurs while processing a prepare request.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.reflect

Subclasses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.reflect
 class CannotAccessMethodException
          Indicates that a method cannot be accessed.
 class CannotInstantiateObjectException
          Indicates that an object cannot be instantiated.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.renderer

Subclasses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.renderer
 class RendererException
          Exception for attribute rendition events.

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