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Apache Tiles - Framework - Tiles Configuration reference

Configuration reference

In this page you can find a fast reference on configuring the various parts of Tiles. These configuration parameters can be used as context parameters of a web application, or as init parameters of servlets, filters or portlets.

Standard configuration parameters

Main configuration


Specifies the container factory class name to use.


Flag to use a mutable container.

  • Specified in: org.apache.tiles.factory.TilesContainerFactory.
  • Default: false (the container is not mutable).
  • Usage: when specified and when its value is true, the container to be created will be mutable, i.e. definitions can be created at runtime.


Specifies the context factory class name to use.

  • Specified in: org.apache.tiles.factory.TilesContainerFactory.
  • Default: org.apache.tiles.context.ChainedTilesContextFactory.
  • Usage: when specified, it must contain the name of a class that implements the TilesContextFactory interface.


Specifies the context factory class name to use.

  • Specified in: org.apache.tiles.factory.TilesContainerFactory.
  • Default: org.apache.tiles.definition.UrlDefinitionsFactory.
  • Usage: when specified, it must contain the name of a class that implements the DefinitionsFactory interface.


Specifies the view preparer factory class name to use.

BasicTilesContainer configuration


Specifies the list of files that contain the definitions.

ChainedTilesContextFactory configuration


Specifies the list of elementary Tiles context factory class names.

  • Specified in: org.apache.tiles.context.ChainedTilesContextFactory.
  • Default: org.apache.tiles.servlet.context.ServletTilesContextFactory, org.apache.tiles.portlet.context.PortletTilesContextFactory, org.apache.tiles.jsp.context.JspTilesContextFactory
  • Usage: when specified, it must contain a comma-separated list of class names implementing TilesContextFactory.

DigesterDefinitionsReader configuration


Specifies if the digester should validate input XML files.

UrlDefinitionsFactory configuration


Specifies the implementation of DefinitionsReader to use.


Specifies the implementation of LocaleResolver to use.

Extended configuration parameters

KeyedDefinitionsFactoryTilesContainerFactory configuration


Specifies the implementation of KeyExtractor to use.


Specifies the list of keys to be used to assign a key to each Definitions Factory.


Specifies the list of files that contain the definitions for the corresponding ${key}.