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Uses of Class org.apache.tiles.TilesException (Tiles 2 2.0.7 API)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TilesException
The Tiles taglib and framework allows building web pages by assembling reusable pieces of pages, called Tiles. 
org.apache.tiles.access Utility classes to access Tiles funcionality from an application. 
org.apache.tiles.definition It contains classes and interfaces to allow manipulations of "definitions", i.e. objects made of a template page and a number of filled attributes. 
org.apache.tiles.factory Factory classes, to allow creation of container instances. 
org.apache.tiles.impl It contains the basic implementations of Tiles container. 
org.apache.tiles.impl.mgmt It contains the basic implementations of mutable Tiles containers. 
org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib The "tiles-jsp" tag library contains tags that are useful to create templates, subpages other reusable view parts using the "tiles-core" package. 
org.apache.tiles.locale Classes and interfaces to allow locale resolution in an application, i.e. it allows to specify how to access the locale that the user wants to use. 
org.apache.tiles.locale.impl Basic implementation of the locale resolver. 
org.apache.tiles.mgmt Classes and interfaces to be used when it is needed to create Tiles definitions during the execution of the application. 
org.apache.tiles.preparer "View preparers" are objects that allows the "preparation" of a Tiles artifact (definition, template or attribute) before it is rendered. 
org.apache.tiles.reflect Classes to manage reflection in a centralized way for Tiles. 
org.apache.tiles.util Static utility classes used throughout the implementation. 
org.apache.tiles.web.startup Classes to start the Tiles engine up in a web environment. 

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles

Methods in org.apache.tiles that throw TilesException
 void TilesContainer.init(Map<String,String> initParameters)
          Initialize the container with the given configuration.
 void TilesContainer.prepare(String preparer, Object... requestItems)
          Executes a preparer.
 void TilesContainer.render(Attribute attribute, Writer writer, Object... requestItems)
          Render the given Attribute.
 void TilesContainer.render(String definition, Object... requestItems)
          Render the given tiles request.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.access

Methods in org.apache.tiles.access that throw TilesException
static void TilesAccess.setContainer(Object context, TilesContainer container)
          Configures the container to be used in the application.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.definition

Subclasses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.definition
 class DefinitionsFactoryException
          Exception thrown when an error occurs while the impl tries to create a new instance mapper.
 class FactoryNotFoundException
          Exception thrown when definitions impl is not found.
 class NoSuchDefinitionException
          Exception thrown when a definition is not found.

Methods in org.apache.tiles.definition that throw TilesException
 void DefinitionsFactory.init(Map<String,String> params)
          Initializes the DefinitionsFactory and its subcomponents.
 void UrlDefinitionsFactory.init(Map<String,String> params)
          Initializes the DefinitionsFactory and its subcomponents.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.factory

Methods in org.apache.tiles.factory that throw TilesException
 TilesContainer TilesContainerFactory.createContainer(Object context)
          Creates a Tiles container.
 DefinitionsFactory KeyedDefinitionsFactoryTilesContainerFactory.createDefinitionsFactory(Object context)
          Creates a definitions factory.
protected static Object TilesContainerFactory.createFactory(Map<String,String> configuration, String initParameterName)
          Creates a factory instance.
 MutableTilesContainer KeyedDefinitionsFactoryTilesContainerFactory.createMutableTilesContainer(Object context)
          Creates a mutable Tiles container.
 MutableTilesContainer TilesContainerFactory.createMutableTilesContainer(Object context)
          Creates a mutable Tiles container.
 TilesContainer KeyedDefinitionsFactoryTilesContainerFactory.createTilesContainer(Object context)
          Creates an immutable Tiles container.
 TilesContainer TilesContainerFactory.createTilesContainer(Object context)
          Creates an immutable Tiles container.
static TilesContainerFactory TilesContainerFactory.getFactory(Object context)
          Retrieve a factory instance as configured through the specified context.
static TilesContainerFactory TilesContainerFactory.getFactory(Object context, Map<String,String> defaults)
          Retrieve a factory instance as configured through the specified context.
protected static String TilesContainerFactory.getInitParameter(Object context, String parameterName)
          Returns the value of an initialization parameter.
protected static Map<String,String> TilesContainerFactory.getInitParameterMap(Object context)
          Returns a map containing parameters name-value entries.
protected  void TilesContainerFactory.initializeContainer(Object context, BasicTilesContainer container)
          Initializes a container.
protected static String TilesContainerFactory.resolveFactoryName(Map<String,String> configuration, String parameterName)
          Resolves a factory class name.
protected  void KeyedDefinitionsFactoryTilesContainerFactory.storeContainerDependencies(Object context, Map<String,String> initParameters, Map<String,String> configuration, BasicTilesContainer container)
          Stores container dependencies, that is called before TilesContainer.init(Map).
protected  void TilesContainerFactory.storeContainerDependencies(Object context, Map<String,String> initParameters, Map<String,String> configuration, BasicTilesContainer container)
          Stores container dependencies, that is called before TilesContainer.init(Map).

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.impl

Methods in org.apache.tiles.impl that throw TilesException
 void BasicTilesContainer.init(Map<String,String> initParameters)
          Initialize the Container with the given configuration.
protected  void BasicTilesContainer.initializeDefinitionsFactory(DefinitionsFactory definitionsFactory, String resourceString, Map<String,String> initParameters)
          Initializes a definitions factory.
 void BasicTilesContainer.prepare(String preparer, Object... requestItems)
          Executes a preparer.
 void BasicTilesContainer.render(Attribute attr, Writer writer, Object... requestItems)
          Render the given Attribute.
 void BasicTilesContainer.render(String definitionName, Object... requestItems)
          Render the given tiles request.
 void KeyedDefinitionsFactoryTilesContainer.setDefinitionsFactory(String key, DefinitionsFactory definitionsFactory, Map<String,String> initParameters)
          Set the definitions factory.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.impl.mgmt

Methods in org.apache.tiles.impl.mgmt that throw TilesException
 void CachingKeyedDefinitionsFactoryTilesContainer.register(Definition definition, Object... requestItems)
          Register a new definition with the container.
 void CachingTilesContainer.register(Definition definition, Object... requestItems)
          Register a new definition with the container.
 void CachingKeyedDefinitionsFactoryTilesContainer.setDefinitionsFactory(String key, DefinitionsFactory definitionsFactory, Map<String,String> initParameters)
          Set the definitions factory.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib

Methods in org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib that throw TilesException
protected abstract  void RoleSecurityTagSupport.execute()
          Executes the tag.
protected  void RenderTagSupport.execute()
          Execute the tag by invoking the preparer, if defined, and then rendering.
protected abstract  void RenderTagSupport.render()
          Render the specified content.
protected  void InsertDefinitionTag.render()
          Render the specified content.
protected  void InsertAttributeTag.render()
          Render the specified content.
protected  void GetAsStringTag.render(Attribute attr)
          Renders an attribute for real.
protected  void InsertAttributeTag.render(Attribute attr)
          Renders an attribute for real.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.locale

Methods in org.apache.tiles.locale that throw TilesException
 void LocaleResolver.init(Map<String,String> params)
          Initializes the LocaleResolver object.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.locale.impl

Methods in org.apache.tiles.locale.impl that throw TilesException
 void DefaultLocaleResolver.init(Map<String,String> params)
          Initializes the LocaleResolver object.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.mgmt

Methods in org.apache.tiles.mgmt that throw TilesException
 void MutableTilesContainer.register(Definition definition, Object... requestItems)
          Register a new definition with the container.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.preparer

Subclasses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.preparer
 class NoSuchPreparerException
          Thrown when the named preparerInstance can not be found.
 class PreparerException
           Thrown when an exception occurs while processing a prepare request.

Methods in org.apache.tiles.preparer that throw TilesException
protected  ViewPreparer BasicPreparerFactory.createPreparer(String name)
          Creates a view preparer for the given name.
 ViewPreparer BasicPreparerFactory.getPreparer(String name, TilesRequestContext context)
          Create a new instance of the named preparerInstance.
 ViewPreparer PreparerFactory.getPreparer(String name, TilesRequestContext context)
          Create the named {link ViewPreparer} for the specified context.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.reflect

Subclasses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.reflect
 class CannotAccessMethodException
          Indicates that a method cannot be accessed.
 class CannotInstantiateObjectException
          Indicates that an object cannot be instantiated.

Methods in org.apache.tiles.reflect that throw TilesException
static Method ClassUtil.getForcedAccessibleMethod(Class<?> clazz, String methodName, Class<?>... parameterTypes)
          Gets a method and forces it to be accessible, even if it is not.
static Object ClassUtil.instantiate(String className)
          Returns an instance of the given class name, by calling the default constructor.
static Object ClassUtil.instantiate(String className, boolean returnNull)
          Returns an instance of the given class name, by calling the default constructor.
static Object ClassUtil.invokeMethod(Object obj, Method method, Object... args)
          Invokes a method, masking with a runtime exception all the exceptions.

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.util

Methods in org.apache.tiles.util that throw TilesException
static Object ClassUtil.instantiate(String className)
          Deprecated. Use ClassUtil.instantiate(String).
static Object ClassUtil.instantiate(String className, boolean returnNull)
          Deprecated. Use ClassUtil.instantiate(String, boolean).

Uses of TilesException in org.apache.tiles.web.startup

Methods in org.apache.tiles.web.startup that throw TilesException
protected  TilesContainer TilesListener.createContainer(ServletContext context)
          Creates a Tiles container.

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