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DefaultAttributeResolver (Tiles 2 2.2.2 API)

Class DefaultAttributeResolver

Package class diagram package DefaultAttributeResolver
  extended by org.apache.tiles.template.DefaultAttributeResolver
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultAttributeResolver
extends Object
implements AttributeResolver

The default implementation of AttributeResolver.

$Rev: 788032 $ $Date: 2009-06-24 16:08:32 +0200 (mer, 24 giu 2009) $

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Attribute computeAttribute(TilesContainer container, Attribute attribute, String name, String role, boolean ignore, Object defaultValue, String defaultValueRole, String defaultValueType, Object... requestItems)
          Computes the attribute.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultAttributeResolver()
Method Detail


public Attribute computeAttribute(TilesContainer container,
                                  Attribute attribute,
                                  String name,
                                  String role,
                                  boolean ignore,
                                  Object defaultValue,
                                  String defaultValueRole,
                                  String defaultValueType,
                                  Object... requestItems)
Computes the attribute.

Specified by:
computeAttribute in interface AttributeResolver
container - The Tiles container to use.
attribute - The attribute to return immediately, if not null.
name - The name of the attribute.
role - A comma-separated list of roles. If present, the attribute will be rendered only if the current user belongs to one of the roles.
ignore - If true if the computed attribute is null, this problem will be ignored.
defaultValue - The default value of the attribute. To use only if the attribute was not computed.
defaultValueRole - The default comma-separated list of roles. To use only if the attribute was not computed.
defaultValueType - The default type of the attribute. To use only if the attribute was not computed.
requestItems - The request objects.
The computed attribute.

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