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PortletTilesRequestContext (Tiles 2 2.2.2 API)

Class PortletTilesRequestContext

Package class diagram package PortletTilesRequestContext
  extended by org.apache.tiles.context.TilesApplicationContextWrapper
      extended by org.apache.tiles.portlet.context.PortletTilesRequestContext
All Implemented Interfaces:
TilesRequestContext, TilesApplicationContext

public class PortletTilesRequestContext
extends TilesApplicationContextWrapper
implements TilesRequestContext

Portlet-based TilesApplicationContext implementation.

$Rev: 769961 $ $Date: 2009-04-30 00:07:34 +0200 (gio, 30 apr 2009) $

Field Summary
protected  Map<String,String> param
          The lazily instantiated Map of request parameter name-value.
protected  Map<String,String[]> paramValues
          The lazily instantiated Map of request parameter name-values.
protected  javax.portlet.PortletRequest request
          The PortletRequest for this request.
protected  javax.portlet.PortletResponse response
          The PortletResponse for this request.
Constructor Summary
PortletTilesRequestContext(javax.portlet.PortletContext context, javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, javax.portlet.PortletResponse response)
          Deprecated. Use PortletTilesRequestContext(TilesApplicationContext, PortletContext, PortletRequest, PortletResponse) .
PortletTilesRequestContext(TilesApplicationContext applicationContext, javax.portlet.PortletContext context, javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, javax.portlet.PortletResponse response)
          Creates a new instance of PortletTilesRequestContext.
Method Summary
 void dispatch(String path)
          Dispatches the request to a specified path.
 TilesApplicationContext getApplicationContext()
          Returns the associated application context.
 Map<String,String> getHeader()
          Return an immutable Map that maps header names to the first (or only) header value (as a String).
 Map<String,String[]> getHeaderValues()
          Return an immutable Map that maps header names to the set of all values specified in the request (as a String array).
 OutputStream getOutputStream()
          Returns an output stream to be used to write directly in the response.
 Map<String,String> getParam()
          Return an immutable Map that maps request parameter names to the first (or only) value (as a String).
 Map<String,String[]> getParamValues()
          Return an immutable Map that maps request parameter names to the set of all values (as a String array).
 PrintWriter getPrintWriter()
          Returns a print writer to be used to write directly in the response.
 javax.portlet.PortletRequest getRequest()
          Return the PortletRequest for this context.
 Locale getRequestLocale()
          Return the preferred Locale in which the client will accept content.
 Object[] getRequestObjects()
          Returns the original request objects used to create this request.
 Map<String,Object> getRequestScope()
          Return a mutable Map that maps request scope attribute names to their values.
 javax.portlet.PortletResponse getResponse()
          Return the PortletResponse for this context.
 Map<String,Object> getSessionScope()
          Return a mutable Map that maps session scope attribute names to their values.
 Writer getWriter()
          Returns a writer to be used to write directly in the response.
 void include(String path)
          Includes the response from the specified URL in the current response output.
 void initialize(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request, javax.portlet.PortletResponse response)
          Initialize (or reinitialize) this PortletTilesRequestContext instance for the specified Portlet API objects.
 boolean isResponseCommitted()
          Checks if the response has been committed.
 boolean isUserInRole(String role)
          Determine whether or not the specified user is in the given role.
 void release()
          Release references to allocated resources acquired in initialize() of via subsequent processing.
 void setContentType(String contentType)
          Sets the content type when rendering the result.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.tiles.context.TilesApplicationContextWrapper
getApplicationScope, getContext, getInitParams, getResource, getResources, getWrappedApplicationContext
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected javax.portlet.PortletRequest request

The PortletRequest for this request.


protected javax.portlet.PortletResponse response

The PortletResponse for this request.


protected Map<String,String> param

The lazily instantiated Map of request parameter name-value.


protected Map<String,String[]> paramValues

The lazily instantiated Map of request parameter name-values.

Constructor Detail


public PortletTilesRequestContext(TilesApplicationContext applicationContext,
                                  javax.portlet.PortletContext context,
                                  javax.portlet.PortletRequest request,
                                  javax.portlet.PortletResponse response)
Creates a new instance of PortletTilesRequestContext.

applicationContext - The Tiles application context.
context - The portlet context to use.
request - The request object to use.
response - The response object to use.


public PortletTilesRequestContext(javax.portlet.PortletContext context,
                                             javax.portlet.PortletRequest request,
                                             javax.portlet.PortletResponse response)
Deprecated. Use PortletTilesRequestContext(TilesApplicationContext, PortletContext, PortletRequest, PortletResponse) .

Creates a new instance of PortletTilesRequestContext.

context - The portlet context to use.
request - The request object to use.
response - The response object to use.
Method Detail


public void initialize(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request,
                       javax.portlet.PortletResponse response)

Initialize (or reinitialize) this PortletTilesRequestContext instance for the specified Portlet API objects.

request - The PortletRequest for this request
response - The PortletResponse for this request


public void release()

Release references to allocated resources acquired in initialize() of via subsequent processing. After this method is called, subsequent calls to any other method than initialize() will return undefined results.


public javax.portlet.PortletRequest getRequest()

Return the PortletRequest for this context.

Specified by:
getRequest in interface TilesRequestContext
The used portlet request.


public javax.portlet.PortletResponse getResponse()

Return the PortletResponse for this context.

Specified by:
getResponse in interface TilesRequestContext
The used portlet response.


public Map<String,String> getHeader()
Return an immutable Map that maps header names to the first (or only) header value (as a String).

Specified by:
getHeader in interface TilesRequestContext
The header map.


public Map<String,String[]> getHeaderValues()
Return an immutable Map that maps header names to the set of all values specified in the request (as a String array). Header names must be matched in a case-insensitive manner.

Specified by:
getHeaderValues in interface TilesRequestContext
The header values map.


public Map<String,String> getParam()
Return an immutable Map that maps request parameter names to the first (or only) value (as a String).

Specified by:
getParam in interface TilesRequestContext
The parameter map.


public Map<String,String[]> getParamValues()
Return an immutable Map that maps request parameter names to the set of all values (as a String array).

Specified by:
getParamValues in interface TilesRequestContext
The parameter values map.


public Map<String,Object> getRequestScope()
Return a mutable Map that maps request scope attribute names to their values.

Specified by:
getRequestScope in interface TilesRequestContext
The request scope map.


public Map<String,Object> getSessionScope()
Return a mutable Map that maps session scope attribute names to their values.

Specified by:
getSessionScope in interface TilesRequestContext
The request scope map.


public TilesApplicationContext getApplicationContext()
Returns the associated application context.

Specified by:
getApplicationContext in interface TilesRequestContext
The application context associated to this request.


public void dispatch(String path)
              throws IOException
Dispatches the request to a specified path.

Specified by:
dispatch in interface TilesRequestContext
path - The path to dispatch to.
IOException - If something goes wrong during dispatching.


public void include(String path)
             throws IOException
Includes the response from the specified URL in the current response output.

Specified by:
include in interface TilesRequestContext
path - The path to include.
IOException - If something goes wrong during inclusion.


public OutputStream getOutputStream()
                             throws IOException
Returns an output stream to be used to write directly in the response.

Specified by:
getOutputStream in interface TilesRequestContext
The output stream that writes in the response.
IOException - If something goes wrong when getting the output stream.


public PrintWriter getPrintWriter()
                           throws IOException
Returns a print writer to be used to write directly in the response.

Specified by:
getPrintWriter in interface TilesRequestContext
The print writer that writes in the response.
IOException - If something goes wrong when getting the print writer.


public Writer getWriter()
                 throws IOException
Returns a writer to be used to write directly in the response.

Specified by:
getWriter in interface TilesRequestContext
The writer that writes in the response.
IOException - If something goes wrong when getting the writer.


public boolean isResponseCommitted()
Checks if the response has been committed.

Specified by:
isResponseCommitted in interface TilesRequestContext
true only if the response has been committed.


public void setContentType(String contentType)
Sets the content type when rendering the result.

Specified by:
setContentType in interface TilesRequestContext
contentType - The content type. It should follow the specifications from W3C about content types.


public Object[] getRequestObjects()
Returns the original request objects used to create this request.

Specified by:
getRequestObjects in interface TilesRequestContext
The request objects.


public Locale getRequestLocale()
Return the preferred Locale in which the client will accept content.

Specified by:
getRequestLocale in interface TilesRequestContext
The current request locale. It is the locale of the request object itself and it is NOT the locale that the user wants to use. See LocaleResolver to implement strategies to resolve locales.


public boolean isUserInRole(String role)
Determine whether or not the specified user is in the given role.

Specified by:
isUserInRole in interface TilesRequestContext
role - the role to check against.
true if the user is in the given role.

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