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org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib (Tiles 2 2.2.2 API)

Package org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib

Package class diagram package org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib
The "tiles-jsp" tag library contains tags that are useful to create templates, subpages other reusable view parts using the "tiles-core" package.


Class Summary
AddAttributeTag Adds an attribute in enclosing attribute container tag.
AddListAttributeTag AddListAttribute tag implementation.
GetAsStringTag Retrieve the value of the specified definition/template attribute property, and render it to the current JspWriter as a String.
ImportAttributeTag Import attribute(s) into the specified scope.
InsertAttributeTag This is the tag handler for <tiles:attribute>, which defines an attribute.
InsertDefinitionTag This is the tag handler for <tiles:insertDefinition>, which includes a name, eventually overriding or filling attributes of its template.
InsertTemplateTag This is the tag handler for <tiles:insertTemplate>, which includes a template ready to be filled.
PutAttributeTag Put an attribute in enclosing attribute container tag.
PutListAttributeTag PutList tag implementation.
TilesBodyTag Deprecated. Since simple style of tags is used, this class is useless.
UseAttributeTag Exposes am attribute as a scripting variable within the page.
UseAttributeTag.Tei Implementation of TagExtraInfo which identifies the scripting object(s) to be made visible.

Exception Summary
NoSuchAttributeException Indicates that a named attribute has not been found.
TilesJspException Indicates that something went wrong during the use of Tiles in JSP pages.

Package org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib Description

The "tiles-jsp" tag library contains tags that are useful to create templates, subpages other reusable view parts using the "tiles-core" package.

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