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Uses of Package org.apache.tiles.awareness (Tiles 2 2.2.2 API)

Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.tiles.awareness
org.apache.tiles.definition It contains classes and interfaces to allow manipulations of "definitions", i.e. objects made of a template page and a number of filled attributes. 
org.apache.tiles.definition.dao Classes to simply load definitions depending on a customization key. 
org.apache.tiles.el Attribute evaluator classes that can perform EL evaluation for attributes. 
org.apache.tiles.freemarker.context Context classes to make FreeMarker work with Tiles. 
org.apache.tiles.freemarker.renderer FreeMarker-typed attributes can be rendered by using classes in this package. 
org.apache.tiles.jsp.context Tiles context classes in a JSP environment. 
org.apache.tiles.renderer.impl Default implementations to manage attribute rendering. 
org.apache.tiles.velocity.context Context classes to make Velocity work with Tiles. 
org.apache.tiles.velocity.renderer Velocity-typed attributes can be rendered by using classes in this package. 

Classes in org.apache.tiles.awareness used by org.apache.tiles.definition
          It represents an object that can have a reference to the TilesApplicationContext.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.awareness used by org.apache.tiles.definition.dao
          It represents an object that can have a reference to the TilesApplicationContext.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.awareness used by org.apache.tiles.el
          It represents an object that can have a reference to the TilesApplicationContext.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.awareness used by org.apache.tiles.freemarker.context
          It represents an object that can have a reference to the TilesRequestContextFactory.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.awareness used by org.apache.tiles.freemarker.renderer
          It represents an object that can have a reference to the TilesApplicationContext.
          It represents an object that can have a reference to the TilesRequestContextFactory.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.awareness used by org.apache.tiles.jsp.context
          It represents an object that can have a reference to the TilesRequestContextFactory.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.awareness used by org.apache.tiles.renderer.impl
          It represents an object that can have a reference to the TilesApplicationContext.
          It represents an object that can have a reference to the TilesContainer.
          It represents an object that can have a reference to the TilesRequestContextFactory.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.awareness used by org.apache.tiles.velocity.context
          It represents an object that can have a reference to the TilesRequestContextFactory.

Classes in org.apache.tiles.awareness used by org.apache.tiles.velocity.renderer
          It represents an object that can have a reference to the TilesApplicationContext.
          It represents an object that can have a reference to the TilesRequestContextFactory.

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